Thursday, August 21, 2008

A rose is a many splendored thing

Roses are loved not only loved for their beauty and sweet frangrance, they also have been imbibed and eaten, literally, since ancient times.

As early as 3000 B.C., roses were made into wine by the Romans.

In 18th century England, people ate salads with rose petals in them, as well as ice cream flavored with essence of roses.

In India, kings bathed in water strewn with rose petals, and rose water and rose oil were used for medicinal purposes, including digestive aids.

Today, rose oil is used in syrups, as well as perfumes and cosmetics.

Vino Escarlata is proud and happy to be part of the tradition of making good things out of roses. In this case, it's scarlet wine from roses.

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